Cold wax is a cut-out liquid and serves to cover areas if on specific parts slips, glazes or ceramic colors are omitted. During firing, the cold wax burns off.
You may brush cold wax to pre-fired, leather-hard or dry clay. Brush the cold wax to surfaces which you do not wish to engobe, glaze or decorate. Subsequently, wait 10 to 15 minutes until the cold wax dried. Then, you may engobe, glaze or decorate the surface. Even oxides and decorative colors may be used.
During the firing, the cold wax burns away, and the unhandled surface comes to light. There emerges a contrast to the engobed, glazed or decorated surface. In case you applied the cold wax to wrong places, the cold wax may be removed completely with another raw-firing. Afterwards, clean the brush with soapy water.
Cold wax better sticks to shards than Revultex, Latex.